Fast Install Python Virtual Env in Windows

A simple guide to install virtual environment with different python version on Windows.

  1. Objectives:
      1. Install Virtual Environment on Windows
  2. Required Tools:
      1. Python —  Python 3 chosen in this case.
      2. VirtualEnv — Main virtualenv tool.
      3. VirtualEnvWrapper-Win — VirtualEnv Wrapper for Windows.
  3. Steps:
      1. Install python with python windows installer.
      2. Add python path to Windows PATH. Python 3 will enable this option for users. If not found, add the following two path (Python 3 sample default path )
        1. C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36
        2. C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\Scripts
      3. pip install virtualenv
      4. pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
      5. Main commands use with virtualenv wrapper in windows command prompt
        1. mkvirtualenv : create a new virtual env
        2. workon : list all the environment created
        3. workon  : Activate particular environment.
        4. deactivate: deactivate active environment
        5. rmvirtualenv : remove target environment.

Further notes 

  • Most of the guide reference from Timmy Reilly’s Blog.
  • To create virtualenv with specified python version
    • virtualenv -p <path/win dir of python version>
    • mkvirtualenv -p <path/win dir of python version>
  • Retrieve a list of python modules installed via pip and save to requirement.txt
    • pip freeze > requirement.txt
  • to install a list of required modules (from other virtual env etc)
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Likely python3 pip path for win10: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts

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