Month: September 2016

Simple Python Script to retrieve all stocks data from Google Finance Screener (Part 2)

Upgraded version from previous “Simple Python Script to retrieve all stocks data from Google Finance Screener“. The new version allows options to select the various stocks exchange including all US exchange and expand on the financial metrics present.

To run the script, you can simply run the following commands.

from google_screener_data_extract import GoogleStockDataExtract

hh = GoogleStockDataExtract()
hh.target_exchange = 'NASDAQ' #SGX, NYSE, NYSEMKT
hh.result_google_ext_df.to_csv(r'c:\data\temp.csv', index =False) #save filename

The new script allows easy installation via pip. To install:
pip install google_screener_data_extract

The script is also available in GitHub.