yahoo finance

Simple Python Script to retrieve all stocks data from Google Finance Screener

A simple python script to retrieve key financial metrics for all stocks from Google Finance Screener. Google screener have more metrics avaliable compared to SGX screener and also contains comprehensive stocks data for various stock exchanges.

In addition, retrieving data from Google Screener is much faster compared to data retrieved from Yahoo Finance or Yahoo Finance API (See the respective blog post from links).

The reason for the fast retrieval is that the information are stored in the form of single json format for all stocks such that it will reduce the number of request calls and downloading. Being in json format also allows easy conversion to a Pandas Dataframe object.

To retrieve the json url of the stock data, go to the Google Screener and select the criteria (like what is normally done when setting up a filter).  Open up the criteria to full range of the particular metrics. In this way, all the stocks will be selected instead of being filtered off. Using the developer tab of any browser, retrieve the full url. For further description of how to retrieve the url, you can refer to the following post: “Getting historic financial statistics of stocks using Python

Two points to take note:  Firstly the URL only include stock list from 1 -20 due to page setting. Set the end stock to a large number eg 3000 (in blue) to include the full stock list. Below is a sample of the corresponding url.[%28exchange%20%3D%3D%20%22SGX%22%29%20%26%20%28dividend_next_year%20%3E%3D%200%29%20%26%20%28dividend_next_year%20%3C%3D%201.46%29%20%26%20%28price_to_sales_trailing_12months%20%3C%3D%20850%29]&restype=company&ei=BjE7VZmkG8XwuASFn4CoDg

Secondly, as Google only allows 12 criteria to be set at any one go, you would need to repeat process multiple times to obtain all the parameters. Repeat the above process by selecting different criteria and join all the parameters together.

Once the url is formed, the same process is used when scraping web data using python as described in most posts in this blog. The main tools are Python Pandas and Python Pattern. Python Pattern is to help with the json file download and Pandas to convert the json file to Data frame which can then be used to join with other parameters.

The difficult part of the script is to obtain the url. Once the url is known, other methods can be employed to download and read the data from the json file.

The script (for all stocks in Singapore) is available in Github. Due to the long url format, the script will form the full url by concatenating the start and end url with the middle portion (which are all the criteria) stored in a file. File is also found in Github.

 (Update: Thanks to Bob1: the start url is changed to

Python Integrated Stock data Retrieval and Stock Filter

This post aims to summarize all the works described in previous posts and shows a consolidated python module that can retrieve multiple stock data sets and act as a simple stock filter. The flowchart below shows the full steps taken to run a filter. If using the alternative time-saving approach as show in the flow chart, the time to scan through around 500 stocks would take less than 15 min. It can generate different series of filtered stocks depending on the list of criteria files created and can be scheduled to run each day prior to the market opening.

Python Integrated Stock retrieval and filter

The list below described how individual scripts are created at each posts.

  1. Getting most recent prices and stock info from Yahoo API: “Extracting stocks info from yahoo finance using python (Updates)”
  2. Criteria filtering: “Filter stocks data using python”
  3. Historical data/dividend several alternatives:
    1. Scraping from Yahoo API: “Getting historical stock quotes and dividend Info using python”.
    2. Scraping using YQL: “Get historical stock prices using Yahoo Query Language (YQL) and Python”.
    3. Retrieve from database: “Storing and Retrieving Stock data from SQLite database”.
  4. Company info and company financial data several alternatives:
    1. Direct scraping: “Direct Scraping Stock Data from Yahoo Finance”
    2. Scraping using YQL:“Scraping Company info using Yahoo Query Language (YQL) and Python”.
  5. Web scraping for stock tech analysis. “Basic Stock Technical Analysis with python”.

Below shows a sample run with a few sets of criteria. The qty left after each filtered parameters are displayed. Finally the results sample from one of the run, the “strict” criteria, are shown. Note that the filtered results depends on the accuracy and also whether the particular parameter is present in Yahoo database.

The combined run script is and it is avaliable with rest of the modules at the GitHub.

 List of filter for the criteria: lowprice
NumYearPayin4Yr > 3
Qtrly Earnings Growth (yoy) > 0
Pre3rdYear_avg greater OPEN 0 # means current  price lower than 3yr ago

Processing each filter…
Current Screen criteria: Greater NumYearPayin4Yr
Modified_df qty: 142
Current Screen criteria: Greater PERATIO
Modified_df qty: 110
Current Screen criteria: Less PERATIO
Modified_df qty: 66
Current Screen criteria: Compare Pre3rdYear_avg,OPEN
Modified_df qty: 19


List of filter for the criteria: highdivdend
NumYearPayin4Yr > 3
LeveredFreeCashFlow > -1
TrailingAnnualDividendYieldInPercent < 100
TotalDebtEquity < 50

Processing each filter…
Current Screen criteria: Greater NumYearPayin4Yr
Modified_df qty: 142
Current Screen criteria: Greater LeveredFreeCashFlow
Modified_df qty: 107
Modified_df qty: 30
Current Screen criteria: Less PRICEBOOK
Modified_df qty: 25
Current Screen criteria: Less TotalDebtEquity
Modified_df qty: 20

List of filter for the criteria: strict
CurrentRatio > 1.5
DilutedEPS > 0
ReturnonAssets > 0
NumYearPayin4Yr > 2
LeveredFreeCashFlow > 0
TotalDebtEquity < 70
PEGRatio < 1.2

Processing each filter…
Current Screen criteria: Greater CurrentRatio
Modified_df qty: 139
Current Screen criteria: Greater EPSESTIMATECURRENTYEAR
Modified_df qty: 42
Current Screen criteria: Greater DilutedEPS
Modified_df qty: 41
Current Screen criteria: Greater ReturnonAssets
Modified_df qty: 37
Current Screen criteria: Greater NumYearPayin4Yr
Modified_df qty: 32
Current Screen criteria: Greater PERATIO
Modified_df qty: 32
Current Screen criteria: Greater LeveredFreeCashFlow
Modified_df qty: 20
Modified_df qty: 15
Current Screen criteria: Less PERATIO
Modified_df qty: 8
Current Screen criteria: Less TotalDebtEquity
Modified_df qty: 7
Current Screen criteria: Less PRICEBOOK
Modified_df qty: 5
Current Screen criteria: Less PEGRatio
Modified_df qty: 5
Current Screen criteria: Compare YEARHIGH,OPEN
Modified_df qty: 5

 Results from “strict” criteria:

sample stock results



Storing and Retrieving Stock data from SQLite database

Getting price trends for stock analysis would require pulling of historical price data. Previous post has described various ways to pull the historical data from web. However, much time is wasted by scraping the data from web every time a trend is needed to be plotted or analyze. The more effective way is to store the data to a database (SQLite), update any new data to it and pull the respective data for analysis as needed.

Previous post have described the procedure for inputting the data to database. Here we integrate the various tools to create a database of historical prices and dividend payout. It utilizes the following to input the data to SQLite database:

  1. Getting historical stock quotes and dividend Info using python” – this uses the Yahoo API to obtain historical prices which can be more than 10 years. It can also retrieve the dividend information which calculate the dividend payout timing and amount. This is being used to set up the database with the inital data. The data retrievial is relatively slow as it can only handle one stock at a time.
  2. Get historical stock prices using Yahoo Query Language (YQL) and Python” – This is used for uploading recent data to the database given the advantage of pulling multiple stock data at single request using the YQL.

The above handles the downloading of the data to database. The transfer of downloaded data to sql database is easy with the help of pandas to_sql function again as described in the previous post. This allow easy handling of duplicated entries and addition of new data automatically.

Subsequently, to retrieve the data from database such as for “Basic Stock Technical Analysis with python“, we can make use of the SQLite command “Select * from histprice_table” to retrieve all the stock prices from the database. This is subsequently convert to Pandas Dataframe object to be used in cases where there is need for the historical data.

The following shows the sql database class. It has methods that can quickly build up database of historical price (see class method: setup_db_for_hist_prices_storage), update new data (see class method: scan_and_input_recent_prices) and retrieve the historical prices and dividend info from database (see class method: retrieve_hist_data_fr_db ). The number of data retrieved can be set using the date interval.

import re, sys, os, time, datetime, csv
import pandas
import sqlite3 as lite
from yahoo_finance_historical_data_extract import YFHistDataExtr
from Yahoo_finance_YQL_company_data import YComDataExtr #use for fast retrieval of data.

class FinanceDataStore(object):
    """ For storing and retrieving stocks data from database.

    def __init__(self, db_full_path):
        """ Set the link to the database that store the information.
                db_full_path (str): full path of the database that store all the stocks information.

        self.con = lite.connect(db_full_path)
        self.cur = self.con.cursor()
        self.hist_data_tablename = 'histprice' #differnt table store in database
        self.divdnt_data_tablename = 'dividend'

        ## set the date limit of extracting.(for hist price data only)
        self.set_data_limit_datekey = '' #set the datekey so 

        ## output data
        self.hist_price_df = pandas.DataFrame()
        self.hist_div_df = pandas.DataFrame()

    def close_db(self):
        """ For closing the database. Apply to self.con

    def break_list_to_sub_list(self,full_list, chunk_size = 45):
        """ Break list into smaller equal chunks specified by chunk_size.
                full_list (list): full list of items.
                chunk_size (int): length of each chunk.
                (list): list of list.
        if chunk_size < 1:
            chunk_size = 1
        return [full_list[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(full_list), chunk_size)]

    def setup_db_for_hist_prices_storage(self, stock_sym_list):
        """ Get the price and dividend history and store them to the database for the specified stock sym list.
            The length of time depends on the date_interval specified.
            Connection to database is assuemd to be set.
            For one time large dataset (where the hist data is very large)
                stock_sym_list (list): list of stock symbol.


        ## set the class for extraction
        histdata_extr = YFHistDataExtr()
        histdata_extr.set_interval_to_retrieve(360*5)# assume for 5 years information
        histdata_extr.enable_save_raw_file = 0

        for sub_list in self.break_list_to_sub_list(stock_sym_list):
            print 'processing sub list', sub_list

            ## save to one particular funciton
            #save to sql -- hist table
            histdata_extr.processed_data_df.to_sql(self.hist_data_tablename, self.con, flavor='sqlite',
                                    schema=None, if_exists='append', index=True,
                                    index_label=None, chunksize=None, dtype=None)

            #save to sql -- div table
            histdata_extr.all_stock_div_hist_df.to_sql(self.divdnt_data_tablename, self.con, flavor='sqlite',
                                    schema=None, if_exists='append', index=True,
                                    index_label=None, chunksize=None, dtype=None)


    def scan_and_input_recent_prices(self, stock_sym_list, num_days_for_updates = 10 ):
        """ Another method to input the data to database. For shorter duration of the dates.
            Function for storing the recent prices and set it to the databse.
            Use with the YQL modules.
                stock_sym_list (list): stock symbol list.
                num_days_for_updates: number of days to update. Cannot be set too large a date.
                                    Default 10 days.


        w = YComDataExtr()

        ## save to one particular funciton
        #save to sql -- hist table
        w.datatype_com_data_allstock_df.to_sql(self.hist_data_tablename, self.con, flavor='sqlite',
                                schema=None, if_exists='append', index=True,
                                index_label=None, chunksize=None, dtype=None)

    def retrieve_stocklist_fr_db(self):
        """ Retrieve the stocklist from db
                (list): list of stock symbols.
        command_str = "SELECT DISTINCT SYMBOL FROM %s "% self.hist_data_tablename
        rows = self.cur.fetchall()

        return [n[0].encode() for n in rows]

    def retrieve_hist_data_fr_db(self, stock_list=[], select_all =1):
        """ Retrieved a list of stocks covering the target date range for the hist data compute.
            Need convert the list to list of str
            Will cover both dividend and hist stock price
                stock_list (list): list of stock symbol (with .SI for singapore stocks) to be inputted.
                                    Will not be used if select_all is true.
                select_all (bool): Default to turn on. Will pull all the stock symbol

        stock_sym_str = ''.join(['"' + n +'",' for n in stock_list])
        stock_sym_str = stock_sym_str[:-1]
        #need to get the header
        command_str = "SELECT * FROM %s where symbol in (%s)"%(self.hist_data_tablename,stock_sym_str)
        if select_all: command_str = "SELECT * FROM %s "%self.hist_data_tablename
        headers =  [n[0] for n in self.cur.description]

        rows = self.cur.fetchall() # return list of tuples
        self.hist_price_df = pandas.DataFrame(rows, columns = headers) #need to get the header?? how to get full data from SQL

        ## dividend data extract
        command_str = "SELECT * FROM %s where symbol in (%s)"%(self.divdnt_data_tablename,stock_sym_str)
        if select_all: command_str = "SELECT * FROM %s "%self.divdnt_data_tablename

        headers =  [n[0] for n in self.cur.description]

        rows = self.cur.fetchall() # return list of tuples
        self.hist_div_df = pandas.DataFrame(rows, columns = headers) #need to get the header?? how to get full data from SQL


    def add_datekey_to_hist_price_df(self):
        """ Add datekey in the form of yyyymmdd for easy comparison.

        self.hist_price_df['Datekey'] = self.hist_price_df['Date'].map(lambda x: int(x.replace('-','') ))

    def extr_hist_price_by_date(self, date_interval):
        """ Limit the hist_price_df by the date interval.
            Use the datekey as comparison.
            Set to the self.hist_price_df

        target_datekey = self.convert_date_to_datekey(date_interval)
        self.hist_price_df = self.hist_price_df[self.hist_price_df['Datekey']>=target_datekey]

    def convert_date_to_datekey(self, offset_to_current = 0):
        """ Function mainly for the hist data where it is required to specify a date range.
            Default return current date. (offset_to_current = 0)
                offset_to_current (int): in num of days. default to zero which mean get currnet date
                (int): yyymmdd format

        last_eff_date_list = list(( - datetime.timedelta(offset_to_current)).timetuple()[0:3])

        if len(str(last_eff_date_list[1])) == 1:
            last_eff_date_list[1] = '0' + str(last_eff_date_list[1])

        if len(str(last_eff_date_list[2])) == 1:
            last_eff_date_list[2] = '0' + str(last_eff_date_list[2])

        return int(str(last_eff_date_list[0]) + last_eff_date_list[1] + str(last_eff_date_list[2]))


Get historical stock prices using Yahoo Query Language (YQL) and Python

Previous post demonstrated pulling company balanced sheets and financial records using Yahoo Query Language (YQL) . Historical prices which is used to calculate price trends can also be obtained from YQL using following table “”. The YQL statement is as followed:

select * from where symbol in (“stock_sym1″,”stock_sym2”) and startDate = “2009-09-11” and endDate = “2010-03-10”

Note that for this method,  multiple stocks can be retrieved at a time as highlighted in blue. This is a faster way compared to the method described in previous post using the Yahoo Finance API where only one stock’s data can be retrieved at a single run. However, the disadvantage of this method is that the time interval cannot be very large. Hence, this is for cases where there is a need to add more recent data of large quantity of stocks on a daily basis, for example, to a database.

The url generated from this query is as followed. The blue portion is the stock symbols, the orange is the start date and the green is the end date.*

To retrieve the above using python, the same method can be employed as what is done previously by constructing the url and downloading the data using PATTERN module to download and processed the json information. Json data  can be easily transformed to a pandas Data frame for further processing which can also be easily inputted to sql using the Pandas to_sql function. Note that the url would need to consist of the stock symbols, the start and end date.


Scraping Company info using Yahoo Query Language (YQL) and Python

Additional stock data such as company balance sheets and financial records can be scraped from yahoo finance website as described in the previous post. An alternative way which is much faster can be done using the Yahoo Query Language (YQL) . It provides collections of data  from various sources including Yahoo finance data and enable easy query of specific data sets. The results is generated in the form of json format which itself can be easily retrieved from the url link generated from the YQL query.

The YQL provides a YQL console which provides easy way for users to key in the SQL syntax to query for particular information. For example, to obtain key company statistics such as P/E ratio, cash flow etc. The following SQL can be inputted into the console.

SELECT * FROM WHERE symbol in ("N4E.SI","BS6.SI")

Pressing the “Test” button will generate a url that will link to the json file containing all the information. Example of the url string is as below.*

The url can now be used with the PATTERN module to download and processed the json information. For reading json file, simplejson module can be used. The url can be modified easily to include more stock symbols (the text highlighted in blue). For each url, I have included about 45 stocks symbols and loop it for all the stock symbols required. Users can also customize and filter the data using standard SQL syntax.

This method is much faster compared to the direct scraping method described previously as multiple stock symbols can be processed at one go and the json data can be easily retrieved. In contrast, direct scraping can only processed single web page (or stock) at one go and require handling of XPATH to get the data correctly.

The YQL contains 1000 of tables from different websites such as Flickr, wordpress, twitter etc and the data are easily organized in table form for easy retrieval. The url string also provides additional flexibility to query more data set.

The script for this can be easily done using standard url string formation, downloading of raw data using the Pattern module, reading the data using simplejson and converting the data to dataframe using Python Pandas.

One advantage of json file is that it is basically a dict file (of eg 45 stocks symbols) and a list of dict files can be easily transformed to a pandas Data frame for further processing. Below code abstract shows the portion in which the json file is being loaded and converted to a dict to append to a list. This list is in turn convert to Dataframe object by passing the list of dicts to the Dataframe object.

    def get_datalist_fr_json(self):
            Set to self.com_data_allstock_list.
            Will keep appending without any reset.
        raw_data  = json.load(open(self.saved_json_file, 'r'))
        for indivdual_set in  raw_data['query']['results']['stats']:
            temp_dict_data = {}
            if type(indivdual_set) == str:
                #for single data
                continue # temp do not use
            for parameters in indivdual_set.keys():
                if type(indivdual_set[parameters]) == str:
                    temp_dict_data[parameters] = indivdual_set[parameters]#for symbol
                elif type(indivdual_set[parameters]) == dict:
                    if indivdual_set[parameters].has_key('content'):
                        temp_dict_data[parameters] = indivdual_set[parameters]['content']

            ## append to list

    def get_com_data_fr_all_stocks(self):
        """ Cater for situation where there is large list.
            For safeguard, clip limit to 49.
        full_list = self.replace_special_characters_in_list(self.full_stocklist_to_retrieve)
        chunk_of_list = self.break_list_to_sub_list(self.full_stocklist_to_retrieve)

        self.temp_full_data_df = None
        for n in chunk_of_list:
            # print the progress

            # set the small chunk of list

        # convert to dataframe
        self.com_data_allstock_df = pandas.DataFrame(self.com_data_allstock_list)
        self.com_data_allstock_df.rename(columns ={'symbol':'SYMBOL'}, inplace=True)


Basic Stock Technical Analysis with python

Simple technical analysis for stocks can be performed using the python pandas module with graphical display. Example of  basic analysis including simple moving averages, Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and Bollinger bands and width.

For the tech analysis to be performed, daily prices need to be collected for each stock. The Yahoo Finance API can retrieve the required data. The previous post described the method to link the YF API to python. After the historical prices are retrieved, the method for getting the various technical analysis can be easily done using the Pandas rolling mean method and plots can be done using Pandas plot function and additional help from Matplotlib.

Below is snippet of the script that initialize the hist data pulling and display the Bollinger Bands and Bollinger Width for a particular stock (Keppel Corp: BN4.SI).

import os, re, sys, time, datetime, copy, shutil
import pandas
from yahoo_finance_historical_data_extract import YFHistDataExtr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

if __name__ == '__main__':
        data_ext = YFHistDataExtr()
        data_ext.set_interval_to_retrieve(200)#in days
        # convert the date column to date object
        data_ext.all_stock_df['Date'] =  pandas.to_datetime( data_ext.all_stock_df['Date'])
        temp_data_set = data_ext.all_stock_df.sort('Date',ascending = True ) #sort to calculate the rolling mean
        temp_data_set['20d_ma'] = pandas.rolling_mean(temp_data_set['Adj Close'], window=20)
        temp_data_set['50d_ma'] = pandas.rolling_mean(temp_data_set['Adj Close'], window=50)
        temp_data_set['Bol_upper'] = pandas.rolling_mean(temp_data_set['Adj Close'], window=20) + 2* pandas.rolling_std(temp_data_set['Adj Close'], 20, min_periods=20)
        temp_data_set['Bol_lower'] = pandas.rolling_mean(temp_data_set['Adj Close'], window=20) - 2* pandas.rolling_std(temp_data_set['Adj Close'], 20, min_periods=20)
        temp_data_set['Bol_BW'] = ((temp_data_set['Bol_upper'] - temp_data_set['Bol_lower'])/temp_data_set['20d_ma'])*100
        temp_data_set['Bol_BW_200MA'] = pandas.rolling_mean(temp_data_set['Bol_BW'], window=50)#cant get the 200 daa
        temp_data_set['Bol_BW_200MA'] = temp_data_set['Bol_BW_200MA'].fillna(method='backfill')##?? ,may not be good
        temp_data_set['20d_exma'] = pandas.ewma(temp_data_set['Adj Close'], span=20)
        temp_data_set['50d_exma'] = pandas.ewma(temp_data_set['Adj Close'], span=50)
        data_ext.all_stock_df = temp_data_set.sort('Date',ascending = False ) #revese back to original
        data_ext.all_stock_df.plot(x='Date', y=['Adj Close','20d_ma','50d_ma','Bol_upper','Bol_lower' ])
        data_ext.all_stock_df.plot(x='Date', y=['Bol_BW','Bol_BW_200MA' ])

Bollinger Band of BN4

Getting historical stock quotes and dividend Info using python

The previous post describes getting stock information using python and Yahoo Finance API. This post continues to add more information using the YF API. The additional information focus on historical price trend and dividend information. The dividend information (payout consistency, date etc) are particular useful as they are not easily available for scraping.

The same concept applies here in getting the hist price and dividend information as in the previous post. First is the construction of the respective urls, then use python PATTERN module to download the .csv and finally use Pandas  to combine all the information.

The url for the hist price and dividend information are very similar. For the url formation of the hist price, it is as follows:

The blue part is the stock symbol (only one symbol can be run at a time), the pink and green portion represent the start and end date respectively. The brown portion is the interval in d,m, y. By changing the interval g = v, the dividend information as in the dividend payout at the particular date is given. The url str is as below.

For the script, the interval is easily set by using the following part of the code. The formation of url will straight away append the hist price url and dividend url in a single function.

    def set_interval_to_retrieve(self, days):
        """ Set the interval (num of days) to retrieve.
                days (int): Number of days from current date to retrieve.
        self.date_interval = days
    def calculate_start_and_end_date(self):
        """ Return the start and end (default today) based on the interval range in tuple.
                start_date_tuple : tuple in yyyy mm dd of the past date
                end_date_tuple : tupe in yyyy mm dd of current date today
        ## today date or end date
        end_date_tuple =[0:3] ## yyyy, mm, dd
        start_date_tuple = ( - datetime.timedelta(self.date_interval)).timetuple()[0:3]
        return start_date_tuple, end_date_tuple

    def form_hist_quotes_date_interval_portion_url(self):
        """ Form the date interval portion of the url
            Set to self.hist_quotes_date_interval_portion_url
            Note: add the number of the month minus 1.
        start_date_tuple, end_date_tuple = self.calculate_start_and_end_date()

        from_date_url_str = '&c=%s&a=%s&b=%s' %(start_date_tuple[0],start_date_tuple[1]-1, start_date_tuple[2])
        end_date_url_str = '&f=%s&d=%s&e=%s' %(end_date_tuple[0],end_date_tuple[1]-1, end_date_tuple[2])
        interval_str = '&g=d'
        dividend_str = '&g=v'

        self.hist_quotes_date_interval_portion_url = from_date_url_str + end_date_url_str + interval_str
        self.hist_quotes_date_dividend_portion_url = from_date_url_str + end_date_url_str + dividend_str

For the hist stock data part, the current script only retrieve the past 3 days behaviour of a particular stock. It will show whether a stock is continuously rising or falling  for the past 3 days. It simply compares the 3 day prices to see if the prices get lower or higher with each coming day. This script is limited in the aspect that it cater for only 3 days running. There is room to improve upon this aspect.

For the dividend part, it is more interesting. It will retrieve information on whether the stock have been continuing giving out dividends every year for the past four years. It will also display the number of times each year the dividends are given out. In addition, it also provides the quarter (calender year) in which the dividends are given out based on past year.

Below are the parts of the code that capture the dividends information. It make uses of the pandas Data frame. First, several columns are added for easy processing. The dates are split to year and month columns for easier date processing. In addition, the dividend months are identified for each payout and classified to specific quarters.

    def insert_yr_mth_col_to_div_df(self):
        """ Insert the year and month of dividend to div df.
            Based on the self.all_stock_div_hist_df["Date"] to get the year and mth str.
            Set back to self.all_stock_div_hist_df
        self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_year'] = self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Date'].map(lambda x: int(x[:4]))
        self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_mth'] = self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Date'].map(lambda x: int(x[6:7]))

    def insert_dividend_quarter(self):
        """ Insert the dividend quarter. Based on Calender year.

        #combined all the div mth??
        self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_1stQuarter'] = self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_mth'].isin([1,2,3,])
        self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_2ntQuarter'] = self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_mth'].isin([4,5,6])
        self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_3rdQuarter'] = self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_mth'].isin([7,8,9])
        self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_4thQuarter'] = self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_mth'].isin([10,11,12])

The next part focus on deciding whether the stock has been consistently giving out dividend for the past four years (Need to adjust the date if wish to set to longer periods.). The script will first filter the information so that the data only contain information for past 4 years. Using Pandas Groupby function, it will group the raw data by stock by year. It will count the number of year exist for the stock. If the stock has been giving out dividends yearly, it will count 4 which is one for each year. Using the aggregation “mean”, it will also calculate on average number of times the payout per year.

    def get_num_div_payout_per_year(self):
        """ Get the number of div payout per year, group by symbol and year.
            Exclude the curr year information.
        curr_yr, curr_mth = self.get_cur_year_mth()

        ## exclude the current year as dividend might not have pay out yet and keep within 4 years period
        target_div_hist_df = self.all_stock_div_hist_df[~(self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_year']== curr_yr)]
        target_div_hist_df = target_div_hist_df[target_div_hist_df['Div_year']>= curr_yr-4]

        ## get the div payout each year in terms of count
        div_cnt_df =  target_div_hist_df.groupby(['SYMBOL', 'Div_year']).agg("count").reset_index()
        div_payout_df = div_cnt_df.groupby('SYMBOL').agg('mean').reset_index()[['SYMBOL','Dividends']].rename(columns = {'Dividends':'NumDividendperYear'})

        ## get the number of years div pay for 4 year period --4 means every year.
        div_cnt_yr_basis_df = div_cnt_df.groupby('SYMBOL').agg('count').reset_index()[['SYMBOL','Div_year']].rename(columns = {'Div_year':'NumYearPayin4Yr'})

        ## join the data frame
        self.all_stock_consolidated_div_df = pandas.merge(div_payout_df,div_cnt_yr_basis_df, on = 'SYMBOL')

The last part focus on the quarter in which dividend payout resides. It will first filter out data by last year only. Then, it will group the data by Symbol and iterate over the rows to see the four “Div_XQuarter” rows return true. If yes, it will return true for the Div Quarter Column.

    def get_dividend_payout_quarter_df(self):
        """ Get the dividend payout quarter for each stock.
            Based on curr year -1 as guage.
            Append to the self.all_stock_consolidated_div_df
        curr_yr, curr_mth = self.get_cur_year_mth()
        target_div_hist_df = self.all_stock_div_hist_df[(self.all_stock_div_hist_df['Div_year']== curr_yr-1)]
        def check_availiable1(s):
            for n in s.values:
                if n == True:
                    return True
            return False
        target_div_hist_df = target_div_hist_df.groupby('SYMBOL').agg(check_availiable1).reset_index()[['SYMBOL','Div_1stQuarter','Div_2ntQuarter','Div_3rdQuarter','Div_4thQuarter' ]]
        self.all_stock_consolidated_div_df = pandas.merge(self.all_stock_consolidated_div_df,target_div_hist_df, on = 'SYMBOL', how = 'left')

A sample of the output is as below. Some basic information is as followed. For the Stock OV8, it only pays out 2 years in last 4 years and the payout is twice (2nd and 3rd Quarter). The price is on the rise for the past 3 days. S58 is consistently paying out every year (NumYearPayin4yr =4)  with payout twice every year. Price is pretty consistent over the last 3 days.

SYMBOL NumDividendperYear NumYearPayin4Yr Div_1stQuarter Div_2ntQuarter \
0 OV8.SI 2 2 False True
1 S58.SI 2 4 True False

Div_3rdQuarter Div_4thQuarter
0 True False
1 True False

SYMBOL Trend_3_days_drop Trend_3_days_rise
0  OV8.SI             False              True
1  S58.SI             False             False

The full script can be found at GitHub.


Filter stocks data using python

After retrieving the various stocks information from yahoo finance etc with tools described in the previous blog post, it is more meaningful to filter stocks that meet certain requirements much like the functionality of  the Google stocks screener.

The script (avaliable in GitHub) will take in a text file with the criteria specified and filter them using python Pandas. The text file is in the format such that users can easily input and retrieve the criteria description using the DictParser module described in the following blog post. In addition, the DictParser module make it easy to create the respective criteria. A sample of a particular criteria file is as below.

Current Ratio (mrq):1.5
Qtrly Earnings Growth (yoy):0

Mean Recommendation (this week):3


The DictParser object will get 3 dict based on above criteria text file. These are criteria that will filter the stocks that meet the listed requirements. The stock data after retrieved (in the form of .csv) are converted to Pandas Dataframe object for easy filtering and the stocks eventually selected will  match all the criteria within each criteria file.

Under the ‘greater’ dict, each of the key value pair mean that only stocks that have the key (eg Volume) greater than the value (eg 999999) will be selected. Under the “less” dict, only stocks that have key less than the corresponding value will be selected.  For the “compare” dict, it will not make use of the key but utilize the value (list) for each key.

Inside the value list of the “compare”, there will be 4 items. It will compare the first to second item with 3rd item as comparator and last item as the value. For example, the phrase “YEARHIGH,OPEN,greater,0” will scan stock that has “YearHigh” price greater than “open” price by at least 0 which indicates all stocks will be selected based on this particular criteria.

Users can easily add or delete criteria by conforming to the format. The script allows several criteria files to be run at one go so users can create multiple criteria files with each catering to different risk appetite as in the case of stocks. Below is part of the script that show getting the different criteria dicts using the DictParser and using the dict to filter the data.

    def get_all_criteria_fr_file(self):
        &quot;&quot;&quot; Created in format of the dictparser.
            Dict parser will contain the greater, less than ,sorting dicts for easy filtering.
            Will parse according to the self.criteria_type

            Will also set the output file name
        self.dictparser = DictParser(self.criteria_type_path_dict[self.criteria_type])
        self.criteria_dict = self.dictparser.dict_of_dict_obj
        self.modified_df = self.data_df


    def process_criteria(self):
        &quot;&quot;&quot; Process the different criteria generated.
            Present only have more and less
        greater_dict = dict()
        less_dict = dict()
        compare_dict = dict()
        print 'Processing each filter...'
        print '-'*40

        if self.criteria_dict.has_key('greater'): greater_dict =  self.criteria_dict['greater']
        if self.criteria_dict.has_key('less'): less_dict =  self.criteria_dict['less']
        if self.criteria_dict.has_key('compare'): compare_dict =  self.criteria_dict['compare']

        for n in greater_dict.keys():
            if not n in self.modified_df.columns: continue #continue if criteria not found
            self.modified_df = self.modified_df[self.modified_df[n] &gt; float(greater_dict[n][0])]
            if self.print_qty_left_aft_screen:
                self.__print_criteria_info('Greater', n)

        for n in less_dict.keys():
            if not n in self.modified_df.columns: continue #continue if criteria not found
            self.modified_df = self.modified_df[self.modified_df[n] &lt; float(less_dict[n][0])]
            if self.print_qty_left_aft_screen:

        for n in compare_dict.keys():
            first_item = compare_dict[n][0]
            sec_item = compare_dict[n][1]
            compare_type = compare_dict[n][2]
            compare_value = float(compare_dict[n][3])

            if not first_item in self.modified_df.columns: continue #continue if criteria not found
            if not sec_item in self.modified_df.columns: continue #continue if criteria not found

            if compare_type == 'greater':
                self.modified_df = self.modified_df[(self.modified_df[first_item] - self.modified_df[sec_item])&gt; compare_value]
            elif compare_type == 'less':
                self.modified_df = self.modified_df[(self.modified_df[first_item] - self.modified_df[sec_item])&lt; compare_value]

            if self.print_qty_left_aft_screen:
                self.__print_criteria_info('Compare',first_item, sec_item)

        print 'END'
        print '\nSnapshot of final df ...'

Sample output from one of the criteria is as shown below. It try to screen out stocks that provide high dividend and yet have a good fundamental (only basic parameters are listed below). The modified_df_qty will show the number of stocks left after each criteria.

 List of filter for the criteria:  dividend
VOLUME  >  999999
Qtrly Earnings Growth (yoy)  >  0
DAYSLOW  >  1.1
PERATIO  <  15
TrailingAnnualDividendYieldInPercent  <  10

Processing each filter…
Current Screen criteria:  Greater   VOLUME
Modified_df qty:  53
Current Screen criteria:  Greater   Qtrly Earnings Growth (yoy)
Modified_df qty:  48
Current Screen criteria:  Greater   DILUTEDEPS
Modified_df qty:  48
Current Screen criteria:  Greater   DAYSLOW
Modified_df qty:  24
Modified_df qty:  5
Current Screen criteria:  Less   PERATIO
Modified_df qty:  4

Snapshot of final df …
Unnamed: 0   SYMBOL              NAME LASTTRADEDATE    OPEN  \
17            4   O39.SI         OCBC Bank     10/3/2014   9.680
21            8   BN4.SI       Keppel Corp     10/3/2014  10.380
37            5  C38U.SI  CapitaMall Trust     10/3/2014   1.925
164          14   U11.SI               UOB     10/3/2014  22.300

17           9.710               9.740  3322000             4555330     9.750
21          10.440              10.400  4280000             2384510    10.410
37           1.925               1.925  5063000             7397900     1.935
164         22.270              22.440  1381000             1851720    22.470

…     Mean Recommendation (last week)  \
17     …                                 2.6
21     …                                 2.1
37     …                                 2.5
164    …                                 2.8

Change  Mean Target  Median Target  \
17                                 0.0        10.53          10.63
21   <font color=”#cc0000″>-0.1</font>        12.26          12.50
37                                 0.1         2.14           2.14
164                                0.0        24.03          23.60

High Target Low Target  No. of Brokers            Sector  \
17         12.23       7.96              22         Financial
21         13.50      10.00              23  Industrial Goods
37          2.40       1.92              21         Financial
164        26.80      22.00              23         Financial

Industry                                       company_desc
17    Money Center Banks  Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited of…
21   General Contractors  Keppel Corporation Limited primarily engages i…
37         REIT – Retail  CapitaMall Trust (CMT) is a publicly owned rea…
164   Money Center Banks  United Overseas Bank Limited provides various …

[4 rows x 70 columns]

Direct Scraping Stock Data from Yahoo Finance

The previous post on scraping finance data from yahoo finance uses  Yahoo Finance API to retrieve stocks data in the form of csv file. However, this is limited to the properties or the extent of data the API is able to provide. In order to retrieve more data such as analyst opinion or company basic summary, it is required to scrape the website directly.

The following script will be able to scrape the information that the  Yahoo Finance API is not able to provide. It makes use of the PATTERN module web dom and css selector object/function. For now, the script is able to scrape the analyst opinion, company key statistics (not found in yahoo API) such as debt, current ratio, type of industry and finally the company desc. The same concept can be applied to other desired data.

The class in the script go through a series of steps as described. For a series of stocks symbol, scan through all the URLs given and scrape the page for required information. The class will have three dictionaries. The first is the start URLs to combine with the stock symbol for query, the CSS selector used for retrieving the parameters required and lastly the dict containing the method of parsing for each of the URL. Append the results for each symbol and return as combined Pandas data frame which can be used to join to other data set. Below is the snapshot of the different dictionaries described above.

        ## Dict for different type of parsing. Starl url will differ.
        self.start_url_dict = {
                                'Company_desc': '',
                                'key_stats': '',

        ## CSS selector for dom objects mainly for parsing the results.
        self.css_selector_dict = {
                                'Company_desc': 'div#yfi_business_summary div[class="bd"]',
                                'analyst_opinion':['td[class="yfnc_tablehead1"]','td[class="yfnc_tabledata1"]'], # analyst -- header, data str

        ## Method select detection
        self.parse_method_dict = {
                                'Company_desc': self.parse_company_desc,
                                'analyst_opinion': self.parse_analyst_opinion,
                                'industry': self.parse_industry_info,
                                'key_stats': self.parse_key_stats,

The full script, together with the YF API scraping, can be found at GitHub.

Extracting stocks info from yahoo finance using python (Updates)

Have made several updates to the script from previous posting. Firstly is the capability to sweep through all the stocks symbol for a .csv file. The list of stocks symbol is easily generated using the extract all symbol script describe in the previous post. Reading all the symbols from the CSV can be done using python Pandas as shown below.

        data_ext = YFinanceDataExtr()
        ## read  data from .csv file -- full list of stocks
        csv_fname = r'C:\pythonuserfiles\yahoo_finance_data_extract\stocklist.csv'
        stock_list = pandas.read_csv(csv_fname)
        # convert from pandas dataframe object to list
        stock_list = list(stock_list['SYMBOL'])
        #stock_list = ['S58.SI','S68.SI']

The second improvement is instead of keying all the individual properties that need to be extracted (as illustrated below), the list of properties can be read from a xls table using the xls_table_extract_module described in the following post.

original method to set the property in the url

    def form_cur_quotes_property_url_str(self):
        """ To form the properties/parameters of the data to be received for current quotes
            To eventually utilize the get_table_fr_xls.
            Current use default parameters.
            name(n0), symbol(s), the latest value(l1), open(o) and the close value of the last trading day(p)
            volumn (v), year high (k), year low(j)

            Further info can be found at :
        start_str = '&f='
        target_properties = 'nsl1opvkj'
        self.cur_quotes_property_portion_url =  start_str + target_properties

 New method: xls table format. (the xls illustrated here is the simplified version). The full property xls is in Github.


The data can be retrieved easily using the xls_table_extract_module hence easily forming the properties str by concat the tag together. The information required can be customized to the order based on the order of xls and the information required can be turned on and off using the comment tag ‘#’.  Note  some of the properties retrieved might not be in format that easy to parse and might result in extra column upon downloading. The portion of script to handle this is as described below.

    def form_cur_quotes_property_url_str_fr_excel(self):
        """ Required xls_table_extract_module.
            Get all the properties from excel table.
            Properties can be selected by comment out those properties not required.
            Also set the heeader: self.cur_quotes_parm_headers for the values.

        from xls_table_extract_module import XlsExtractor
        self.xls_property_data = XlsExtractor(fname = self.properties_excel_table, sheetname= 'Sheet1',
                                             param_start_key = 'stock_property//', param_end_key = 'stock_property_end//',
                                             header_key = '', col_len = 2)


        ## form the header
        self.cur_quotes_parm_headers = [n.encode() for n in self.xls_property_data.data_label_list]

        ## form the url str
        start_str = '&f='
        target_properties = ''.join([n[0].encode().strip() for n in self.xls_property_data.data_value_list])
        self.cur_quotes_property_portion_url =  start_str + target_properties

The last update enable the script to handle more than one url query (each query can handle up to 50 stocks). This enable the full sweep of all the stocks listed in the stocklist and downloaded it to single results file. A sweep of around 1000 stocks symbol take less than 3 mins (it also depends on the internet connection).

The updated script can be found at GitHub.