Create own flash cards video using Python

Build your own study flash cards video (+ background music) using Python easily.

Required Modules

  1. moviepy
  2. ImageMagick — for creating text clip
  3. pandas — optional for managing CSV file

Basic steps

  1. Read in the text information. Pandas can be used to read in a .csv file for table manipulation.
  2. create a Textclip object for each text and append all Textclips together
  3. Add in an audio if desired.  Allow the audio to loop through duration of the clip
  4. Save the file as mp4.

Sample Python Project — Vocabulary flash cards

Below is a simple project to create a vocabulary list of common words use in GMAT etc. For each word and meaning pair, it will flash the word followed by its meaning . There is slight pause in the timing to allow some time for the user to recall on the meaning for the particular words

Sample table for wordlist.csv (which essentially is a table of words and their respective meanings) * random sample (subset) obtained from web

Screen Shot 2019-07-23 at 11.32.42 PM

def create_txtclip(tgt_txt, duration = 2, fontsize = 18):
        txt_clip = TextClip(tgt_txt, fontsize = fontsize, color = 'black',bg_color='white', size=(426,240)).set_duration(duration)
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        txt_clip = TextClip("Issue with text", fontsize = fontsize, color = 'white').set_duration(2)

from moviepy.editor import *

df = pd.read_csv("wordlist.csv")
for word, meaning in zip(df.iloc[:,0], df.iloc[:,1]):
    create_txtclip(word,1, 70)

final_clip = concatenate(clip_list, method = "compose")

# optional music background with loop
music = AudioFileClip("your_audiofile.mp3")
audio = afx.audio_loop( music, duration=final_clip.duration)

final_clip = final_clip.set_audio(audio)

final_clip.write_videofile("flash_cards.mp4", fps = 24, codec = 'mpeg4')<span id="mce_SELREST_start" style="overflow:hidden;line-height:0;"></span>

In some cases, the audio for the flash cards does not work when play with Quicktime, will work on VLC

Sample video (converted to gif)

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