Google Search results web crawler (Updates)

A continuation of the project based on the following post “Google Search results web crawler (re-visit Part 2)” & “Getting Google Search results with Scrapy”. The project will first obtain all the links of the google search results of target search phrase and comb through each of the link and save them to a text file.

Two new main features are added. First main feature allows multiple keywords to be search at one go. Multiple search phrases can be entered from a target file and search all at one go.

There is also an option to converge all the results of all the search phrases. This is useful when all the search phrases are related and you wish to see all the top ranked results group together. The results will display all the top search result of all the key phrases followed by the 2nd and so forth.

Other options include specifying the number of text sentences of each result to print, min length of the sentence, sort results by date etc. Below are the key options to choose from:

    NUM_SEARCH_RESULTS = 30  # number of search results returned

The second feature is an experimental feature that deal with language processing. It will try to retrieve all the noun phrases from all the search results and note the its frequency. The idea is to retrieve the most popular noun phrases based on the results of all the search, this is something similar to word cloud.

This is done using the python pattern module which also deal with the HTML request and processing used in the script. Under the pattern module, there is sub module that handles natural language processing. For this feature, the pattern module will tokenize the text and (part-of-speech) tag each of the word. With the in-built tag identifcation, you can specify it to detect noun phrase chunk tag or NP (Tags: DT+RB+JJ+NN + PR). For more part-of-speech tag, you can refer to pattern website. I have included part of the code for the noun phrase detection (Under

def get_noun_phrases_fr_text(text_parsetree, print_output = 0, phrases_num_limit =5, stopword_file=''):
    """ Method to return noun phrases in target text with duplicates
        The phrases will be a noun phrases ie NP chunks.
        Have the in build stop words --> check folder address for this.
            text_parsetree (pattern.text.tree.Text): parsed tree of orginal text

            print_output (bool): 1 - print the results else do not print.
            phrases_num_limit (int): return  the max number of phrases. if 0, return all.
            (list): list of the found phrases. 

    target_search_str = 'NP' #noun phrases
    target_search = search(target_search_str, text_parsetree)# only apply if the keyword is top freq:'JJ?+ NN NN|NNP|NNS+'

    target_word_list = []
    for n in target_search:
        if print_output: print retrieve_string(n)

    ## exclude the stop words.
    if stopword_file:
        with open(stopword_file,'r') as f:
            stopword_list =
        stopword_list = stopword_list.split('\n')

    target_word_list = [n for n in target_word_list if n.lower() not in stopword_list ]

    if (len(target_word_list)>= phrases_num_limit and phrases_num_limit>0):
        return target_word_list[:phrases_num_limit]
        return target_word_list
def retrieve_top_freq_noun_phrases_fr_file(target_file, phrases_num_limit, top_cut_off, saveoutputfile = ''):
    """ Retrieve the top frequency words found in a file. Limit to noun phrases only.
        Stop word is active as default.
            target_file (str): filepath as str.
            phrases_num_limit (int):  the max number of phrases. if 0, return all
            top_cut_off (int): for return of the top x phrases.
            saveoutputfile (str): if saveoutputfile not null, save to target location.
            (list) : just the top phrases.
            (list of tuple): phrases and frequency

    with open(target_file, 'r') as f:
        webtext =

    t = parsetree(webtext, lemmata=True)

    results_list = get_noun_phrases_fr_text(t, phrases_num_limit = phrases_num_limit, stopword_file = r'C:\pythonuserfiles\google_search_module_alt\stopwords_list.txt')

    #try to get frequnecy of the list of words
    counts = Counter(results_list)
    phrases_freq_list =  counts.most_common(top_cut_off) #remove non consequencial words...
    most_common_phrases_list = [n[0] for n in phrases_freq_list]

    if saveoutputfile:
        with open(saveoutputfile, 'w') as f:
            for (phrase, freq) in phrases_freq_list:
                temp_str = phrase + ' ' + str(freq) + '\n'
    return most_common_phrases_list, phrases_freq_list

The second feature is very crude and give rise to quite a number of redundant phrases. However, in some cases, are able to pick up certain key phrases. Below are the frequency results based on list of the search key phrases. As seen, the accuracy still need some refinement.

Key phrases

Top cafes in singapore
where to go to for coffee in singapore
Recommended cafes in singapore
Most popular cafes singapore



Singapore 139
coffee 45
the past year 23
plenty 23
the Singapore cafe scene 22
new additions 22
View Photo 19
PH 16
cafes 14
20 Best Cafes 13
Fri 11
Coffee 11
Nylon 10
Thu 10
Artistry 10
Indonesia 10
The coffee 9
The Plain 9
Chye Seng Huat Hardware 9
the coffee 9
Photos 9
you re 9
Everton Park 8
sugar 8
Hours 8
t 8
Changi Airport 7
time 7
Food 7
p. 7
Common Man Coffee Roasters 7
Tel 7
Rise & Grind Coffee Co 6
good coffee 6
40 Hands 6
a lot 6
the cafe 6
The Coffee Bean 6
your friends 6
Malaysia 6
s 6
a cup 6
Korea 6
Sarnies 6
Waffles 6
Address 6
Chinese New Year 6
desserts 6
the river 6
Taiwan 6
home 6
the city 5
service 5
the best coffee 5
Tea Leaf 5
great coffee 5
a couple 5
the heart 5
people 5
the side 5
Nylon Coffee Roasters 5
hours 5
Singaporeans 5
food 5
any time 5
eve 5
eggs 5
a bit 5
Eve 5
the day 5
kopi 5
Thailand 5
brunch 5
their coffee 5
Chinatown 5
Restaurants 4
Brunch 4
the top 4
Jalan Besar 4
Ideas 4
Dutch Colony 4
night 4
Cafes 4
a variety 4
Visit 4
course 4
Melbourne 4
The Best 4

Main script can be obtained from Github.

Generate NLP training sets using Google search module

In sentiment analysis or natural language processing, training sets are required to create the different classifiers in order to interpret phrases of words or assign appropriate sentiment features to particular phrases or texts . In general, the larger the training sets the higher the accuracy of the interpreted sentiment or results.

To produce a large training set, it is required to source manually large number of raw data and classifier them manually, which in turn, a tedious process. Google search results might be one alternative to collect the training sets which are already classified due to the defining boundaries set by the Google search keywords.

Hence, one of the way to create a large training set is to utilize the Google search module described in the previous post. We can input the description of the end target result (and hence, the classifier)  and the google search will return the brief description. The brief description will usually contain snippets of news/event relate up to the events or end results. These provide the basis for the classifier.

An example of such use will be to classify stocks news into positive news (that make stocks prices rise) or negative news (that cause stock prices to fall). For positive stock outlook we can use the following keywords”Shares rise by xxx” or “Price jump”, the Google search results will return all the contents or news that have the keywords. This will eventually provide all the positive sentiment phrases or news that will predict whether prices increase or fall. The following diagram simplify the procedure.

Creating Classifiers from Google Search

To make it easier for user to generate the classifier, a GUI function is created. Below GUI is generated using the wx,itempicker module. Users can input the google search texts (can have multiple entries separated by “;”) that will hint the classifiers and run the Google search and all the links results will be displayed on the left text box. The user can then proceed to select the items, After which all the items are selected, the user can proceed to save all the data in a file or copy to clipboard for further processing. While copying, it can append the classifier label to the sentences.

Classifer GUI

The final output are copied to clipboard. Below is the output. Note that commas except the classifier label parts are removed from the sentences.

Japan, China Stocks Lead Asia Gains on Yen Data – ABC News,pos
Shares Extend Gains on Overseas Economic News –,pos
Rising Share Prices on London South East. Share Prices on all …,pos
Stock market logs 5th straight week of gains as Dow hits record high …,pos
Stock market rise sharply after nightmarish week for Dow Jones …,pos
Stock market wants to rise despite global fears –,pos
Stock markets could gain despite Big Oil’s pain | Reuters,pos
Stocks end mostly up as gains extend into 4th week | Stock market …,pos

Sample of the codes below. The code mainly used to define the various wx widgets. It requires the wx module and for the clipboard, it requires another script for the clipboard function. Alternatively, the copy function can be easily replaced by saving to target file or other storage.

import os, sys, time, datetime

## wx imports
import wx
from wx.lib.itemspicker import ItemsPicker,EVT_IP_SELECTION_CHANGED, IP_SORT_CHOICES
from wx.lib.itemspicker import IP_SORT_SELECTED,IP_REMOVE_FROM_CHOICES

## Google search module using python pattern
from Python_Google_Search_Retrieve import gsearch_url_form_class

## pyET_tools import, clipboard, for storing data to clipboard,
## can be substitued with alternative such as storing to file.
import pyET_tools.Clipboard_handler as Clip

class MyPanel(wx.Panel):
    def __init__(self,parent):
        self.parent = parent

        ## list of parameters
        self.google_results= []
        self.add_classifier_str = 'pos' # add either classifer pos or neg to the str\
        self.search_word_list = [] #
        self.picked_item_list = []

        ## wx widgets
        ## Top panel display sizer for google search keywords input
        ## Hold the search Enter box and button to execute the search
        ## keywords are entered in single box but separate by ;
        top_display_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        search_label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Google Search keywords")
        self.search_textbox = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, size=(400, -1))
        search_btn = wx.Button(self, -1, "Search")
        search_btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSearch)
        top_display_sizer.Add(search_label, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
        top_display_sizer.Add(self.search_textbox, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
        top_display_sizer.Add(search_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 5)

        ## Mid panel sizer
        ## Hold the classifier label Enter box and also the button for copy data to clipboard
        ## The button can be modified to save the picked items.
        mid_display_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
        classifier_label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Classifier label")
        copy_output_btn = wx.Button(self, -1, "Copy")
        copy_output_btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.CopyPickedItems)
        self.classifier_textbox = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, self.add_classifier_str, size=(125, -1))
        mid_display_sizer.Add(classifier_label,0, wx.ALL, 5)
        mid_display_sizer.Add(self.classifier_textbox, 0, wx.ALL, 5)
        mid_display_sizer.Add(copy_output_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 5)

        ## Main sizer
        ## Item picker widgets.
        main_sizer =wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
        main_sizer.Add(top_display_sizer, 0, wx.TOP|wx.LEFT, 3)
        main_sizer.Add(mid_display_sizer, 0, wx.TOP|wx.LEFT, 3)
        self.ip = ItemsPicker(self,-1, [], 'All items', 'Selected items:',ipStyle = IP_SORT_CHOICES)
        self.ip.Bind(EVT_IP_SELECTION_CHANGED, self.OnSelectionChange)
        main_sizer.Add(self.ip, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10)

    def OnSearch(self,e):
        """ Generate the list of google search results.
            Set the items on the left textctrl box.
        gs_keywords_list = self.split_google_keywords()

    def split_google_keywords(self):
        """ Split the google keywords  based on ";" for multiple keywords entry.
                (list): list of keywords to be used.
                        Remove any empty words accidentially bound by ;
        search_items =  self.search_textbox.GetValue()
        search_items_list = search_items.split(';')
        return [n for n in search_items_list if n!='']

    def append_classifier_to_text(self, selected_txt_list):
        """ Add the classifier to the selected text.
                selected_txt_list (list): list of str that contains the selected text.
                (list): list with classifer text added. eg. ",pos"
        return [n + ',' + self.add_classifier_str for n in selected_txt_list]

    def get_classifier_txt(self):
        """ Query and Set the classifier txt to self.add_classifier_str
            Query from the self.classifier_textbox.
        self.add_classifier_str = self.classifier_textbox.GetValue()

    def CopyPickedItems(self,e):
        """ Copy the selected item to clipboard.
            Get all the items on the selected list, append the pos str and save to clipboard
        ## get classifier text

        ## get the picked items
        selected_txt_list = self.picked_item_list

        ## append classifier text to picked items
        selected_txt_list = self.append_classifier_to_text(selected_txt_list)

        ## copy the items to clipboard

    def OnSelectionChange(self, e):
        """ Trigger for the item picker when items are being selected or picked.
            Set to self.picked_item_list.
        self.picked_item_list =  e.GetItems()

    def OnGoogleRun(self, search_words):
        """ Run the google search results to get all the link

        ## User options
        NUM_SEARCH_RESULTS = 50                # number of search results returned

        ## Create the google search class
        hh = gsearch_url_form_class(search_words)
        hh.print_parse_results = 0

        ## Set the results
        hh.enable_sort_date_descending()# enable sorting of date by descending. --> not enabled

        ## Generate the Url list based on the search item
        url_list =  hh.formed_search_url()

        ## Parse the google page based on the url

        self.google_results = hh.merged_result_desc_list
        print 'End Search'

class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, parent, ID, title):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, ID, title,pos=(50, 150), size=(950, 520))#size and position
        self.top_panel = MyPanel(self)

class MyApp(wx.App):
    def __init__(self):
        wx.App.__init__(self,redirect =False)
        self.frame= MyFrame(None,wx.ID_ANY, "item picker")

def run():
        app = MyApp()
    except Exception,e:
        print e
        del app

if __name__== "__main__":


Python pattern for natural language processing

Python pattern is a good alternative to NLTK with its lightweight and extensive features in natural language processing. In addition, it also have the capability to act as a web crawler and able to retrieve information from twitter, facebook etc. The full functionality can be summarized as stated from their website:

“Pattern is a web mining module for the Python programming language.
It has tools for data mining (Google, Twitter and Wikipedia API, a web crawler, a HTML DOM parser), natural language processing (part-of-speech taggers, n-gram search, sentiment analysis, WordNet), machine learning (vector space model, clustering, SVM), network analysis and <canvas> visualization.”

Below python script illustrate some of the functionality of Python Pattern. I intend to use some of the functions for the google search module developed previously.

The script crawl a particular website, get the plain text of the web page and processed it to remove short sentences (eg links) . After which it will get the top x number of high frequency words found in the web page. After which it will search for all the phrases in the text that contain the high frequency words.

The script still require a number of improvement. For example, keyword ‘turbine’ and ‘turbines’ should be same word and need to classify as one word.

import sys, os, time
from pattern.en import parse, Sentence, parsetree, tokenize
from import search
from pattern.vector import count, words, PORTER, LEMMA, Document
from pattern.web import URL, plaintext

def get_plain_text_fr_website(web_address):
    """ Scrape plain text from a web site.
            web_address (str): web http address.
            (str): plain text in str.
    s = URL(web_address).download()
    ## s is html format.
    return convert_html_to_plaintext(s)

def convert_html_to_plaintext(html):
    """ Take in html and output as text.
            html (str): str in html format.
            (str): plain text in str.

        TODO: include more parameters.
    return plaintext(html)

def retain_text_with_min_sentences_len(raw_text,len_limit =6 ):
    """ Return paragraph with sentences having certain number of length limit.
            raw_text (str): text input in paragraphs.
            len_limit (int): min word limit.
            (str): modified text with min words in sentence
    sentence_list  = get_sentences_with_min_words(split_text_to_list_of_sentences(raw_text), len_limit)
    return ''.join(sentence_list)

def split_text_to_list_of_sentences(raw_text):
    """ Split the raw text into list of sentences.
            raw_text (str): text input in paragraphs.
            (list): list of str of sentences.
    return tokenize(raw_text)

def get_sentences_with_min_words(sentences_list, len_limit):
    """ Return list of sentences with number of words greater than specified len_limit.
            sentences_list (list): sentences break into list.
            len_limit (int): min word limit.
            (list): list of sentences with min num of words.

    return [n for n in sentences_list if word_cnt_in_sent(n) >= len_limit]

def word_cnt_in_sent(sentence):
    """ Return number of words in a sentence. Use spacing as relative word count.
        Count number of alphanum words after splitting the space.
            sentence (str): Proper sentence. Can be split from the tokenize function.
            (int): number of words in sentence.
    return len([ n for n in sentence.split(' ') if n.isalnum()]) + 1

def retrieve_string(match_grp):
    """ Function to retrieve the string from the class
            match_grp ( match group
            (str): str containing the words that match
            Does not have the grouping selector

def get_top_freq_words_in_text(txt_string, top_count, filter_method = lambda w: w.lstrip("\'").isalnum(),exclude_len = 0):
    """ Method to get the top frequency of words in text.
            txt_string (str): Input string.
            top_count (int): number of top words to be returned.

            filter_method (method): special character to ignore, in some cases numbers may also need to ignore.
                                    pass in lambda function.
                                    Default accept method that include only alphanumeric

            exclude_len (int): exclude keyword if len less than certain len.
                                default 0, which will not take effect.

            (list): list of top words """
    docu = Document(txt_string, threshold=1, filter = filter_method)

    ## Provide extra buffer if there is word exclusion
    freq_keyword_tuples = docu.keywords(top=top_count )
    ## encode for unicode handliing
    if exclude_len  == 0:
        return [n[1].encode() for n in freq_keyword_tuples]
        return [n[1].encode() for n in freq_keyword_tuples if not len(n[1])<=exclude_len]

def get_phrases_contain_keyword(text_parsetree, keyword, print_output = 0, phrases_num_limit =5):
    """ Method to return phrases in target text containing the keyword. The keyword is taken as an Noun or NN|NP|NNS.
        The phrases will be a noun phrases ie NP chunks.
            text_parsetree (pattern.text.tree.Text): parsed tree of orginal text
            keyword (str): can be a series of words separated by | eg "cat|dog"

            print_output (bool): 1 - print the results else do not print.
            phrases_num_limit (int): return  the max number of phrases. if 0, return all.
            (list): list of the found phrases. (remove duplication )

            provide limit to each keyword.
    ## Regular expression matching.
    ## interested in phrases containing the traget word, assume target noun is either adj or noun
    target_search_str = 'JJ|NN|NNP|NNS?+ ' + keyword + ' NN|NNP|NNS?+'
    target_search = search(target_search_str, text_parsetree)# only apply if the keyword is top freq:'JJ?+ NN NN|NNP|NNS+'

    target_word_list = []
    for n in target_search:
        if print_output: print retrieve_string(n)

    target_word_list_rm_duplicates = rm_duplicate_keywords(target_word_list)

    if (len(target_word_list_rm_duplicates)>= phrases_num_limit and phrases_num_limit>0):
        return target_word_list_rm_duplicates[:phrases_num_limit]
        return target_word_list_rm_duplicates

def rm_duplicate_keywords(target_wordlist):
    """ Method to remove duplication in the key word.
            target_wordlist (list): list of keyword str.

            (list): list of keywords with duplicaton removed.
    return list(set(target_wordlist))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    ## random web site for extraction.
    web_address = ''

    ## extract the plain text.
    webtext = get_plain_text_fr_website(web_address)

    ## modified plain text so that it can remove those very short sentences (such as side bar menu).
    modifed_text = retain_text_with_min_sentences_len(webtext)

    ## Begin summarizing the important pt of the website.
    ## first step to get the top freq words, here stated 10.
    ## Exclude len will remove any length less than specified, here stated 2.
    list_of_top_freq_words = get_top_freq_words_in_text(modifed_text, 4, lambda w: w.lstrip("'").isalpha(),exclude_len = 2)
    print list_of_top_freq_words
    ## >> ['turbine', 'turbines', 'fluid', 'impulse']

    ## Parse the whole document for analyzing
    ## The pattern.en parser groups words that belong together into chunks.
    ##For example, the black cat is one chunk, tagged NP (i.e., a noun phrase)
    t = parsetree(modifed_text, lemmata=True)

    ## get target search phrases based on the top freq words.
    for n in list_of_top_freq_words:
        print 'keywords: ', n
        print get_phrases_contain_keyword(t, n)
        print '*'*8

    ##>> keywords:  turbine
    ##>> [u'the Francis Turbine', u'the marine turbine', u'most turbines', u'impulse turbines .Reaction turbines', u'turbine']
    ##>> ********
    ##>> keywords:  turbines
    ##>> [u'de Laval turbines', u'possible .Wind turbines', u'type .Very high efficiency steam turbines', u'conventional steam turbines', u'draft tube .Francis turbines']
    ##>> ********
    ##>> keywords:  fluid
    ##>> [u'a fluid', u'working fluid', u'a high velocity fluid', u'fluid', u'calculations further .Computational fluid']
    ##>> ********
    ##>> keywords:  impulse
    ##>> [u'equivalent impulse', u'impulse', u'Pressure compound multistage impulse', u'de Laval type impulse', u'traditionally more impulse']
    ##>> ********


Scaping google results using python (Part 3)

The  post on the testing of google search script I created last week describe the limitations of the script to scrape the required information. The search phrase is “best hotels to stay in Tokyo”. My objective is to find suitable and popular hotels to stay in Tokyo and within the budget limit.

The other limitation is that the script can only take in one input or key phrase at one go. This is not very useful. Users would tend to search a variation of the key phrases to get the desirable results. I done some modifications to the script so it can take in either a key phrase (str) or  a list of key phrases (list) so it can search all the key phrases at one go.

The script will now iterate the search phrases. Below is the summarized flow:

  1. For each key phrase in key phrase list, generate the associated google search url, append all url to list.
  2. For the list of google search url, Scrapy will scrape the individual url for the google results links. Append all links to a output file. There is one drawback. The links for the first key phrases will be displayed first followed by the 2nd key phrase.
  3. For each of the links, Scrapy will scrape the content namely the title, meta description and for now, if specified,  all the text within the <p> tag.
  4. The resulting file will be very big depending on the size of the search results.

The format of the output is still not to satisfaction. Also printing all the <p> tag does not accomplished much in summarizing what I need.

The next step, hopefully, can utilize some of the NLTK and summarize tools to help filter the results.

The current script is in Git Hub.

Getting Google Search results with python (testing the program)

I was testing out the google search script I created last week. I was searching for the “best hotels to stay in Tokyo”. My objective is to find suitable and popular hotels to stay in Tokyo and within the budget limit.

The python module was created with the intention to display more meaningful and relevant data without clicking to individual websites. However, with just the meta title and meta contents from the search results, it is not really useful in obtaining meaningful results.

I tried to modify the module by extraction of the paragraphs from each site and output them together with the meta descriptions. I make some changes to the script to handle  multiple newline characters and debug on the unicode error that keeps popping out when output the text results.

To extract the paragraphs from each site, I used the xpath command as below.

sel = Selector(response)
paragraph_list = sel.xpath('//p/text()').extract()

To handle the unicode identification error, the following changes are made. The stackoverflow link provides the solution to the problem.

## convert the paragraph list to one continuous string
para_str = self.join_list_of_str(paragraph_list, joined_chars= '..')
## Replace any unknown unicode characters with ?
para_str = para_str.encode(errors='replace')
## Remove newline characters
para_str = self.remove_whitespace_fr_raw(para_str)

With the paragraphs displayed at the output, I was basically reading large chunks of texts and it was certainly messy with the newline removed. I could not really get good information out of it.

For example, it is better to get the ranked hotels from tripadvisor site but from the google search module, tripadvisor only displays the top page without any hotels listed. Below is the output I get from TripAdvisor site pertaining to the search result.

Tokyo Hotels: Check Out 653 hotels with 77,018 Reviews – TripAdvisor

Tokyo Hotels: Find 77,018 traveller reviews and 2,802 candid photos for 653 hotels in Tokyo, Japan on TripAdvisor.

Price per night..Property type..Neighbourhood..Traveller rating..Hotel class..Amenities..Property name..Hotel brand

Performing recursive crawling on TripAdvisor itself perhaps will achieve more meaningful results.

Currently, I do not have much idea on enhancing the script to extract more meaningful data. Perhaps I can use text processing to summarize the paragraphs into meaningful data which would be the next step, utilizing the NLTK module. However, I am not hopeful of the final results.

For this particular search query, perhaps it would be easier to cater specific crawling methods on several target website such as TripAdvisor, Agoda etc rather than a general extraction of text.

Getting Google Search results with Scrapy

Google do not allow easy scraping of their search results. As Google, they are smart to detect bots and prevent them from scraping the results automatically. The following will attempt to scrape search results based on python Scrapy. The full script for this project is not completed and will be included in subsequent posts.

Scrapy make use of the starting url for google search. Example is a format used by google to search a particular keyword.

More details on the url construction can be found in the following link.

With the URL constructed, the web link results related to the search can be pulled from stand-alone scrapy spider. The xpath specified in the scrapy spider is the html tags that the the link results resides in.The xpath expression is as below:

sel = Selector(response)
## extract a list of website link related to the search
google_search_links_list = sel.xpath('//h3/a/@href').extract()

Only Link results are extracted based on current plan . As the format of google search is consistently changing, it is more difficult to retrieve other information. The plan is to extract the links and then access the individual links using scrapy and retrieved relevant information. This will be touched on in the subsequent posts.

Example of Scrapy spider used for scraping the google url.
Not actual running code.
import re
import os
import sys
import json

from scrapy.spider import Spider
from scrapy.selector import Selector

class GoogleSearch(Spider):

 #set the search result here
 name = 'Google search'
 allowed_domains = ['']
 start_urls = ['Insert the google url here']

 def parse(self, response):

 sel = Selector(response)
 google_search_links_list = sel.xpath('//h3/a/@href').extract()
 google_search_links_list = ['q=(.*)&sa',n).group(1) for n in google_search_links_list]

## Dump the output to json file
 with open(output_j_fname, "w") as outfile:
 json.dump({'output_url':google_search_links_list}, outfile, indent=4)

Saving output of NLTK text.concordance()

In NLP, sometimes users would like to search for series of phrases that contain particular keyword in a passage or web page.

NLTK provides the function concordance() to locate and print series of phrases that contain the keyword. However, the function only print the output. The user is not able to save the results for further processing unless redirect the stdout.

Below function will emulate the concordance function and return the list of phrases for further processing. It uses the NLTK concordance Index which keeps track of the keyword index in the passage/text and retrieve the surrounding words.

Below is the function:

import nltk

def get_all_phases_containing_tar_wrd(target_word, tar_passage, left_margin = 10, right_margin = 10):
        Function to get all the phases that contain the target word in a text/passage tar_passage.
        Workaround to save the output given by nltk Concordance function
        str target_word, str tar_passage int left_margin int right_margin --> list of str
        left_margin and right_margin allocate the number of words/pununciation before and after target word
        Left margin will take note of the beginning of the text
    ## Create list of tokens using nltk function
    tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(tar_passage)
    ## Create the text of tokens
    text = nltk.Text(tokens)

    ## Collect all the index or offset position of the target word
    c = nltk.ConcordanceIndex(text.tokens, key = lambda s: s.lower())

    ## Collect the range of the words that is within the target word by using text.tokens[start;end].
    ## The map function is use so that when the offset position - the target range < 0, it will be default to zero
    concordance_txt = ([text.tokens[map(lambda x: x-5 if (x-left_margin)>0 else 0,[offset])[0]:offset+right_margin]
                        for offset in c.offsets(target_word)])
    ## join the sentences for each of the target phrase and return it
    return [''.join([x+' ' for x in con_sub]) for con_sub in concordance_txt]

## Test the function

## sample text from
raw  = """The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring fire in the fireplace and\
          placed on it a large kettle of water.When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down\
          and KERSPLASH right into that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf.\
          The next day the little pig invited his mother over . She said &amp;amp;quot;You see it is just as I told you. \
          The way to get along in the world is to do things as well as you can.&amp;amp;quot; Fortunately for that little pig,\
          he learned that lesson. And he just lived happily ever after!"""

tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(raw)
text = nltk.Text(tokens)
text.concordance('wolf') # default text.concordance output

## output:
## Displaying 2 of 2 matches:
##                                     wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roari
## it a large kettle of water.When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimne

print 'Results from function'
results = get_all_phrases_containing_tar_wrd('wolf', raw)
for result in results:
    print result

## output:
## Results from function
## The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a roaring
## large kettle of water.When the wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled