
The simple way to export Shopee Ads keyword bids data to Excel

Selecting which keywords to bid for for keywords Ads in Shopee can be a hassle on Shopee platform. One of the main reason is that you cannot really sort or rank by the number of searches and/or bid price on Shopee platform. Having the option to export to excel/csv can really help on the analysis. And is really simple to do so with Python.

Navigate to the “Create (keyword) Ads”. Select Add Keywords and add as many related keywords as you like. Once completed, save the page as html file. Next we will use python pandas to parse the table tag in the html file and generate as pandas DataFrame.

## Sample Code
import pandas as pd

tgt = r'C:\yourfilelocation\shopee.html'

# list of table. 
# For this, table 0 is header col and table 1 is data
tb = pd.read_html(tgt) 

# Assign header from table 0 to table 1
tb[1].columns= tb[0].columns.tolist() 

# Drop empty columns
bid_table = tb[1].dropna(1,'all')     

# Can save to excel as well
bid_table.to_csv(r'c:\data\output.csv', index=False)

Sample of the output is shown above. I usually sort by search volume (highest). I also add in the Search Vol/Num Bids columns which give some indication of the search volume per 0.1cents of bids.

Selenium can be used to automated the saving of html file.

The “Quality Score” is not able to parse using the read_html method given it is a generated image file. However, for those who are really keen, the quality score is reflected in the image tag attribute [style=”width: x%]. Parsing this will give the the estimated quality score.

Simple way to export Shopee Ads keyword bids data to Excel using python pandas. https://simply-python.com/2021/04/19/export-shopeeads-keyword-bids/

Easy Web Scraping with Google Sheets

Google sheets simplify the process of web scraping especially for table and list elements. For below project, the purpose is to obtain common/essential words and their corresponding definitions for GMAT/GRE preparations.

Below are examples of each.

Table type extraction (source)

In one of the cells, type in =IMPORTHTML(url-site,“table”,<table_id>) where <table_id> is the table position in the url (either guess or iterate from 1 to XXX etc or use chrome developer tools to count the table num)  




List Type Extraction (source)

In one of the cells, type in =IMPORTHTML(url-site,“list”,<list_id>) where <list_id> is the list order in the url (either guess or iterate from 1 to XXX etc or use chrome developer tools to count the list num)  



The above techniques can also apply to other websites that have list or table elements. For this project, one of the next step is to create flash cards video to help in the learning. With the table format in google sheets, it is easy to download the whole list or table as .CSV file and create in the form of flash cards. Check the link for the quick project.


Fast Download Images from Google Image search with python requests/grequests

A mini project that highlights the usage of requests and grequests.

  1. Objectives:
      1. Download multiple images from Google Image search results.
  2. Required Modules:
      1. Requests –  for HTTP request
      2. grequests – for easy asynchronous HTTP Requests.
      3. Both can be installed by using pip install requests, grequests
  3. Steps:
      1. Retrieve html source from the google image search results.
      2. Retrieve all image url links from above html source. (function: get_image_urls_fr_gs)
      3. Feed the image url list to grequests for multiple downloads (function: dl_imagelist_to_dir)
  4. Breakdown: Steps on grequests implementation.
    1. Very similar to requests implementation which instead of using requests. get()  use grequests.get() or grequests.post()
    2. Create a list of GET or POST actions with different urls as the url parameters. Identify a further action after getting the response e.g. download image to file after the get request.
    3. Map the list of get requests to grequests to activate it. e.g. grequests.map(do_stuff, size=x) where x is the number of async https requests. You can choose x for values such as 20, 50, 100 etc.
    4. Done !

Below is the complete code.

import os, sys, re
import string
import random
import requests, grequests
from functools import partial
import smallutils as su  #only use for creating folder

USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.181 Safari/537.36'
headers = { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT }

def get_image_urls_fr_gs(query_key):
        Get all image url from google image search
            query_key: search term as of what is input to search box.
            (list): list of url for respective images.


    query_key = query_key.replace(' ','+')#replace space in query space with +
    tgt_url = 'https://www.google.com.sg/search?q={}&tbm=isch&tbs=sbd:0'.format(query_key)#last part is the sort by relv

    r = requests.get(tgt_url, headers = headers)

    urllist = [n for n in re.findall('"ou":"([a-zA-Z0-9_./:-]+.(?:jpg|jpeg|png))",', r.text)] 

    return urllist

def dl_imagelist_to_dir(urllist, tgt_folder, job_size = 100):
        Download all images from list of url link to tgt dir
            urllist: list of the image url retrieved from the google image search
            tgt_folder: dir at which the image is stored
            job_size: (int) number of downloads to spawn.

    if len(urllist) == 0:
        print "No links in urllist"

    def dl_file(r, folder_dir, filename, *args, **kwargs):
        fname = os.path.join(folder_dir, filename)
        with open(fname, 'wb') as my_file:
            # Read by 4KB chunks
            for byte_chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024*10):
                if byte_chunk:


    do_stuff = []

    for run_num, tgt_url in enumerate(urllist):
        print tgt_url
        # handle the tgt url to be use as basename
        basename = os.path.basename(tgt_url)
        file_name = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9.]+', '_', basename ) #prevent special characters in filename

        #handling grequest
        action_item =  grequests.get(tgt_url, hooks={'response': partial(dl_file, folder_dir = tgt_folder, filename=file_name)}, headers= headers,  stream=True)

    grequests.map(do_stuff, size=job_size)

def dl_images_fr_gs(query_key, tgt_folder):
        Function to download images from google search

    url_list = get_image_urls_fr_gs(query_key)
    dl_imagelist_to_dir(url_list, tgt_folder, job_size = 100)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    query_key= 'python symbol'
    tgt_folder = r'c:\data\temp\addon'
    dl_images_fr_gs(query_key, tgt_folder)		

Further notes 

  1. Note that the images download from google search are only those displayed. Additional images which are only shown when “show more results” button is clicked will not be downloaded. To resolve this case:
    1. a user can continuously clicked on “show more results”, manually download the html source and run the 2nd function (dl_imagelist_to_dir) on the url list extracted.
    2. Use python selenium to download the html source.
  2. Instead of using grequests, request module can be used to download the images sequentially or one by one.
  3. The downloading of files are break into chunks especially for those very big files.
  4. Code can be further extended for downloading other stuff.
  5. Further parameters in the google search url here.